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Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Taking Photos Together

Re posting the question :

"Hi. I was checking out your blog and I thought I'd would ask your opinion on couple photos. My boyfriend and I have been dating for a few weeks...and I'd really like to take some cute photos...even just ONE for a profile picture! I just am a bit embarrassed to ask him... Ideas for casually taking photos?"

Alright, this was a problem I really struggled with as well with my first boyfriend! Come to find out, guys really don't find it as awkward as girls seem to think they do!

1. Just be casual about it! Say "alright get in my selfie!" you can turn it into a bit of a joke! make a silly face! make it casual and carefree and silly! we were just laughing in this one! and he was all down for taking a picture! proof it works!

2. SNAPCHAT! SNAPCHAT is a great excuse. Be like "I'm snapchatting my friend! get in!" and just say "awh thats actually cute! im going to save it!" I took this one from snapchat! so there is your proof that it works!

3. tell your mom or dad or friend ahead of time "can you casually take a pic of us before we go?" or something like that! they can take the awkwardness for you! and you can even pretend to put up a bit of a fight so you dont look like you planned it! :) proof that it works shown below!


*asking random strangers in public "can you take our picture?". Guys can find that kind of awkward and imposing.

*just randomly wipping out the camera in front of a bunch of people.

*asking him to kiss you for a photo

AS YOU CAN SEE, guys really dont mind taking pictures, and alot of the time they like to have photos with you just as much as you with them! just go for it! :)


Monday, November 11, 2013

Things Guy's Want but Wont Ask For

1. Touching. I don't mean sexual either! I mean affectionate touching. Ladies, you know how it melts you inside when he strokes your hair, rubs your arms...trust me it melts him too! If hes sitting down you can sit behind him and start rubbing his neck, or if your laying together, stroke his hair...he'll love it. A lot of guys also have a sweet spot for ears. if you just lightly run your finger tips over his ears....it'll give him those butterflies it gives you. Try it. I play with my boyfriend's hair all the time, and he loves it and it relaxes him.

2. Compliments. He's your man isn't he?! There must be something you like about him, or you wouldn't be together! Compliment him. If you think his hair looks extra spiffy today, TELL HIM. If he's been hitting the gym, compliment his muscles (but be sincere). You can even compliment superficial stuff like his shirt or shoes! Dont forget to use the word "handsome" . It may seem old fashioned, but if you told your boyfriend "you look handsome today babe!" He'd feel on top of the world

3. Your efforts. Meaning, he shouldnt ALWAYS have to take you out, or pick you up, or drive to your house, or come to YOUR events. He'll get tired of always having to come to you. Go to him sometimes! I mean come on YOU CAN DRIVE. and if you cant, grab a friend who would give you a ride! I find myself doing this all of the time. I just say to myself, hes the guy, he can come to me...but its not necessarily true, and ive noticed my boyfriend really appreciating when i come to HIS house or HIS events sometimes.

4. Arm candy. LETS FACE IT. guys want to brag about their girlfriend being a foxy lady! Im not saying you always have to dress up or do your hair and makeup when you see him....but every now and then...it would be a good idea (Especially in public). I am horrible with this. I LOVE MY SWEAT PANTS AND SWEATERS. and my boyfriend KNOWS i hate dressing up in skirts/dresses/makeup/done up hair. He knows this, and accepts this about me..however, I can always see the little sparkle in his eye when I put a little extra effort into my looks and hang on his arm in public :)

5. Surprises. You know how you pretty much die when he shows up with flowers, or cookies, or icecream, or a movie to watch, OR SOMETHING that shows he thought about you?! Do the same for him! Get that new action movie and show up with that and microwave popcorn! or maybe a pizza  or something! or his favorite chips! but always get enough for the both of you, or he might find it awkward. AND if you bring the movie, be prepared to actually WATCH IT with him :)

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Make Him Want to Text You

This seems to be a really popular topic between myself and my friends... PLUS the guy I like is NOT much of a social media guy, so therefore, I'm dealing with this problem FIRST HAND.

Here's the backstory as to how i know these tips WORK. ***(however if you just want the how-to, and not the story, skip to the part that is highlighted in red!)***

So when i first met this guy, he never texted me. and when i would text him, he'd take hours to respond...or wouldnt respond at all. when i would ask him about it he would say "Honestly im just not a social media guy...i dont really text much, im no good at it, and i dont enjoy it."

This is NOT fun to hear from the guy you like, because lets be honest here ladies-- we LOVE texting the boy we like, and we WANT to know what he's doing, who he's with, and we want to just get to know him in the less awkward, more convenient way.

So when i heard this, my heart KIND OF dropped. But i just went on my merry little way. and i decided, if he didnt want to text me much, that was fine. well that mentality only lasted so long until i felt like i HAD to talk to him (Dont make fun of me, we've all been there ;)

So this went on for about 2 weeks. I'd text him like every 2-3 days, and we wouldnt talk MUCH just like 10 texts....so not much of a conversation...


****Here is what i did!****

1. Leave him alone for a couple days at a time. (dont text him every second you want to...and boy this step is hard to actually follow through with!)

2. When you're texting DO NOT let conversation die! play the questions game, or SOMETHING that will intrigue him .

3. When you're texting, talk about HANGING OUT, so he knows that you dont just want a virtual relationship, you want to actually hang out with him as well!

4. Dont respond at lightning speed. See how long its taking him to respond, and try to match that!

5. ABORT ABORT. if that conversation is getting boring, or if he is acting uninterested, leave the conversation before he does.

6. IF HE DOES TEXT YOU FIRST...show him that you liked that! mention how pleasantly surprised you were...or something along those lines!

7. You dont always NEED an EXCUSE. if you start using that "oops wrong person" excuse...he'll catch on, trust me...boys are that naive. BE CONFIDENT.

8. No goodmorning/goodnight texts on your part..they dont find that cute unless you're IN A RELATIONSHIP. even then..some guys just find it clingy and anoying.

9. Dont stress if you go a day without talking! KEEP YOURSELF BUSY. it will make time go much faster! :) and dont start inventing stories about how "HE HATES ME", and "hes not texting me cause he doesnt like me.." while these things COULD be true haha, they rarely are. :) guys can sense when you've just been staring at your phone waiting for a response. dont give him the pleasure!

10. COMPLIMENT HIM. guys love to be complimented. they love to have their ego pumped up. Dont be creepy like "you're eyes are so gorgeous" say things like "wow you're really good at  insert sport here   "
or "you looked very handsome last night." BOYS LOVE THAT WORD<<< it seems old fashioned, but OH MY GOSH, they love it! makes them feel mature, successful, and like they're just the hottest man alive.

So these tips worked for me-- I now have the boy i like texting me almost everyday and the conversation really doesnt get boring anymore!


Thursday, October 10, 2013

Outfit Ideas for Dates(Fall)

Hello everyone! so ive had quite a few requests for this! As the summer date outfits got a lot of views and shares and stuff! (thanks by the way! you guys rock!)

Alright lets do this!!!

Where are you going, is the first question you have to ask yourself. then move onto these...

Outdoors or indoors?  (if the date is indoors, usually you dont have to worry about freezing, getting dirty, or being overdressed and uncomfortable, however it is is outdoors, you really need to keep your comfort in mind..things that are outdoors are usually more active, cold, and dirty!)

Cold or warm day? (again, this will impact what you wear!!! you arnt going to wear shorts on a day that pants are necessary, and maybe its a bit to warm outside for those cute boots/scarf/hat! But if it is colder, you get to layer up, wear those boots, scarves, hats, whatever it is that floats your boat!!!)

Windy or not windy?   (ladies this is simple....DONT WEAR A SHORT SKIRT OR SHORT DRESS IF THE WIND IS GOING TO BLOW IT UP...you will feel awkward, uncomfortable, not confident, and it will just ANNOY you! so keep that in mind! same thing with styling your hair, typically hair is better pulled back with A LOT of hairspray if its windy out...or else you may end up with some FRIZZY and extremely out of place hair...not attractive!)

Casual or dressy  (being under-dressed is embarrassing ...but being overdressed can  be even worse, as you feel out of place and end up looking like you tried WAY to hard...my sister does it ALL THE TIME)

Group or strictly you two? (well if you're going with a group you dont want to make it obvious that you're trying to impress him, and you want to find out what the other girls are wearing, so you dont stick out like a sore thumb!)

First Date or just a date? (First date, you want to show off your beauty a bit! after that, you want to start showing him the real side of you. maybe go easier on the makeup/hairspray! and wear something a bit more casual and highlighting to your curves!)

Lets move on then!!!

So once you have all of this stuff figured out, you are ready to select your outfit. i would just sit here and explain what to wear, but IM A VISUAL LEARNER! soooo here are some pictures! and apprx. prices! :)

yeah so, minus the kitty shirt, because IM NOT A FAN, but if you are GO FOR IT! but I love navy and burgundy! these color meshups are being called the "fall color combos" of 2013! :) both of these outfits new would cost apprx. 50$ a piece, HOWEVER, you can find hats, button up sweaters, and cute boots at the thrift store. I think you could easily spend 30$!!! (POPPIN TAGS!) ;)

For the formal fancier date!!! This whole outfit is GENIUS, and versatile. while the pea coat is very dressy, it could be worn with jeans or slacks any day to be coverted into a casual sweater! Also if you are ACHING TO WEAR THOSE PRETTY HEELS! pair this outfit with red heels, or some black pumps! i dont like the necklace! but to each there own if you like goddy jewlery! this outfit NEW would probably cost close to 100$  but again, many of us have a dress that could be used, and a cute purse. so to get the pea coat, close to $30  id imagine.

FAVORITE FAVORITE ONE! New this outfit would cost around 50$ but THE SKIRT is easily found for 2-3 dollars at a thrift store, the shoes can be substituted for toms/flats/boots/ whatever you have in your closet. but THE POINT OF THIS IDEA is to show that SWEATERS AND SKIRTS ARE FREAKING CUTE TOGETHER, people just usually dont wear them together for some reason! so rock the outfit! (WARNING: NOT FOR WINDY DAYS!)


Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Hard to Get

Okay I am going to give advice on how to deal with it at the bottom of this page, but if you care to read me story (in red)...here it is:

*Well a friend and I were talking about boys that play hard to get. I was telling her that the current boy I am interested in, seems to be playing hard to get, and I wasn't quite sure how to deal with it. Personally, I am extremely confident with my ability to communicate/flirt with boys. I have never had problems with guys not liking me or flirting with me...then along came "Fred" (not his real name, but let's just roll with it!)

I met "Fred" at work. He and i immediately connected with each other on some levels. . . he was a bit more of the nerdy type, but by NO MEANS socially awkward or insecure. I was attracted to his personality a lot! His confidence/ability to carry a conversation, is not something that you find to often in guys. He also was quite the gentleman (again chivalry is not common nowadays...BUT IT SHOULD BE!)...and he may or may not be REALLY cute........sooooo, I cant deny the fact that i just kind of had an immediate crush on him...

Well, it was the last day of work, and we talked for a couple hours and he was definitely flirting. . . (NO DOUBT). But when it came time to say goodbye until next summer, he gave me a fantastic hug...but did not ask for my number or Facebook or anything... I was a bit, well, shocked... I just kind of looked at him thinking "are you kidding me?"
 So, me, being the confident girl that i am, said "well maybe I'll see you around...do you have Facebook or anything to keep in touch?" and he STILL didn't take the hint like, OH GEE MAYBE SHE WANTS MY NUMBER...hmmm...ya think?! but he gave me his last name at least. when i got home, i added him. and he obviously accepted and all that. well I messaged him joking around,  i said something witty, I just cant remember what, and when i said i had to go, he STILL did not ask for my number, so finally i just said screw it...and FOR THE FIRST TIME IN MY LIFE. i gave him my number without him asking for it... i just said "here is my number, cause honestly the chat bar on fb kind of drives me insane" (which is not a lie, im not a huge fan of fb chat)...WELL he immediately texted me WHICH i thought was a good sign. 

The first day of texting, he was flirty. he asked me to play the questions game, asked me relationship related questions. we talked about our exes, i told him about my crazy physio "i want to marry you" type ex. and we both were honest with each other on how indecisive we are when it comes to relationships. Then he went to bed. the next day i didn't hear from him...or the day after that, so finally i just texted him "hey whats up" and invited him to some party. he said he had college or else he would love to go...well i kept asking him to hang out for a couple days after...to no avail.  

FINALLY he said he might be able to hang out on a Friday night...and when that Friday rolled around i texted him asking if we were still hanging out... and he said sure. We went to the park and went for a long drive...then we just sat in his car talking and listening to music. 

*Guys, I'm falling for this guy...He's pretty freaking fantastic..just saying.*

Well he was definitely flirting and showed signs of interest when we hung out ...then he just didnt show signs of interest when we were talking the next day...and when i tried to kind of be obvious that i had a crush on him...he kind of, blew me off to an extent. 
I am by NO MEANS desperate. so yesterday this is the exact texts that were sent between us:

me: "Can I ask you a question? Like straight up?"
him: "Yes, anything! :)"
me: "do you want me to like leave you alone? Because I'm actually making an effort to get to know you, but you dont really seem thrilled. so just tell me straight up, you know? Cause you're honestly really hard to read..."
him: "NO dont leave me alone!!! I'm just not a huge fan of texting. Think of how i acted Friday night, that's how i truly feel!"
me: "Well thats why im confused, cause you acted a lot different then you respond haha"
him: "I know...but how i ACT is how i feel"
me: "All im saying is, the last thing i want to do is bother you, so im just telling you, always be straight up with me"
him: "Oh i will...but i do enjoy a bit of mystery"
me: "oh me too! but not he mystery of "does he dislike me?" hah, not a fun type of mystery TRUST ME ;)"
him: "I think it gives some urgency and gives eachother a reason to pursue and impress..."
me: "well for girls like me, it makes me leave people alone and move on..but hey, that's why i asked you, because i wanted to know your stance on things"
him: "you'll find out sooner or later :) goodnight!"




1. keep yourself occupied...obsessing over it, will just make you start imagining up concepts about him disliking you...

2. Call him on it, make him realize that hard to get is okay, but hes not to good for you

3. make sure your relationship and communication is not all SMS...boys who play hard to get ACT differently than they type. (usually the odds are in your favor haha)

4. Play a bit of hard to get back... Two can play at his little game..don't text him for a few days, don't respond instantly...etc.

5. DON'T talk about all the boys you could get...I've tried that once with a hard to get guy...basically had the attitude: Oh your hard to get, whatever a lot of guys want to GET me...Not something that's a good idea, cause he started doing it back to me, and it made me feel crappy. haha for the record, he and i have been best friends for 4 years, and we've kissed and stuff and just decided we are better JUST friends...so its not like he and i didn't work out because of that... just it didn't feel good reciprocated

6. Play his game a little bit...he wants to see how serious you are about wanting him, well show him that a little fight isnt going to turn you away. :) he wants to feel sought after, so you should do that, but just keep the sought"ing" to a cute level and the level he wants it at--not stalker sought"ing" ;)

May the odds be ever in your favor! goodluck, and goodbye!

Monday, October 7, 2013

Merideth's question. (when guys lead you on...)

Hey hey! So, i got a question in my email yesterday night. I'm just going to copy and paste like i usually do! :)

"So...basically this guy acted interested, even when to the extent of saying he wanted to kiss me...then he just stopped talking to me. Well now whenever i try to instagate conversation, he just kind of blows me off. We dont really hang out often, because hes really busy. but i dont understand why he acted interested and then literally 2 days later just sort of blew me off..."

IN OTHER WORDS: guy acted interested, now he's really hard to read.


Boys can suck sometimes...they are so egotistic at times, that they forget how easily a girl can get confused/hurt. One of the worst feelings is being led on then having your little dreams shattered.

As for this guy, he sounds like he thinks you're cute and fun to flirt with, but he's not  REALLY interested in a relationship with you...

think about it: when you like someone (boys or girls) you really want to talk to them and hang out. . . even a BOY will make an effort to talk and get to know you if he's HONESTLY interested. However, if he is just interested in flirting and boosting his ego (which sounds like the situation) he will only talk to you about what HE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT, when it seems convenient for him, OR when he has nothing else to do.

I hate this about guys...as a girl who has had this happen a couple times, id really just prefer a guy be straight up and say. "I think you're cute, but im not interested in that way." THAT RESPONSE WOULD SAVE ME HOURS OF CONFUSION...

Honey, I'd just say start giving him a taste of his own medicen...dont talk to him as often and give him something to want, rather than something he knows he can get.

This is a complicated/sucky situation, and i wish i had more advice, but there is really no way to MAKE a guy want to talk to you, and MAKE  a guy want a relationship...thats all his choice. just do you, and hopefully he will wake up and see that you're worth it..or another guy will come along :)

Sunday, October 6, 2013

Fall Date Ideas!

Well it's officially fall!!! which is my FAVORITE season. I wanted to kick it off with a few posts! :)



2. It smells sooo good! it just makes the bitterest of souls happy!


4. Festivities are plentiful


6. The outfit choices are comfy, cute, and versatile


So anyways, I love cuddling, therefore Fall takes the cake as my favorite season!

To be genuinely honest, I have my eyes on a boy at the moment, and so far, the Fall magic seems to be in my favor, SOOoooo time to start brainstorming date ideas!


1. two words...PUMPKIN PATCH. seriously, invite the younger siblings, go with your family...just go together. No matter how you slice it, the pumpkin patch is an awesome date/outing THAT I CERTAINLY plan on adding to my date agenda.

2. Haunted houses...oh you're a pansy? NO PROBLEM, you can just bury your head in his shoulder...cause that just sounds HORRIBLE, right? (on the contrary my friend!)

3. Pumpkin carving (this one could go hand in hand with the pumpkin patch actually). But grab a pumpkin, and a knife, make it fun with a NO STENCIL rule! If you're super artistic, show that side of you off! then when you're done carvin, BAKE THE SEEDS AND HAVE A DELICIOUS WARM MOVIE SNACK.....which brings me to my next date idea.

4. MOVIE NIGHT! its chilly outside, no problem, the couch is BIG ENOUGH FOR TWO! grab a comedy or a horror flick if you're into that kind of thing, and a blanket, and there is a couple hours of fun! (and CUDDLING).

5. Take a drive. weather it be during the day, or evening, or night, driving is just FUN! you can talk, sing off key, and laugh at yourself (and each other for that matter).

6. picnic! SELF EXPLANATORY. grab a blanket, make some apple cider or hot cocoa, make some sandwiches, grab some fruit (berries are a great idea for a Fall picnic) ENJOY EACHOTHER'S COMPANY!


THERE ARE MANY OTHER DATE IDEAS OBVIOUSLY. I'm just listing somewhat casual/inexpensive ideas...all of these are GREAT for a first date BTW.

the ones that i have tried so far:

movie night- we watched a comedy, and spent the whole two hours laughing (now this wasn't a date so no cuddling went down, because you know, I'm going to actually move slow and take my time getting to know him)

Long drive. Yeah, well it was kind of an accident, but he drives a stick and i wanted him to drive me around lol cause i didnt want to drive and we had nothing to do really, and originally it was just going to be around the neighborhood, but we drove like 10 miles or so...maybe more, and it was REALLY fun because he drives a LEGIT old car, and its a stick shift...and we have the same taste in music, SOOoooo it was a blast! an accidental blast. then we just pulled over, reclined the seats and spent 2 hours listening to music and laughing at nothing. It was...really fun actually!


Friday, September 20, 2013

Can I practice for my first kiss?

Original question:

"I'm 13 and I think im going to have my first kiss next Saturday...and ive never kissed anyone else, and im really nervous, and i dont know if i can like prepare myself, or practice, or SOMETHING just so i dont embarras myself...you know? -Ally G."


First kiss jitters...okay before I give you some tips, im going to share my retarded first kiss story.

I had just turned 15, and I went to the movies with my BEST friend of two years. He and I had kind of joked about kissing, but he had kissed a couple girls, and I was still a "kissing virgin" (as my bestfriend calls it).well we sat through the whole movie, he put his arm around me and we were flirting (which we had never REALLY done before), and when the movie was over he and I walked to Starbucks. we were sitting outside on the ground and he pretty much just leaned over and kissed me. I was a bit shocked, because it was HORRIBLE. then he kind of laughed and goes, "yeah I pretty much just missed...can I try that again?" and I said sure, and we kissed a bit more. It was a cute, silly, fun first kiss story, and the butterflies were IMMENSE. :)

*there you have it! since then, I have become kind of "obsessed" with the chemistry of kissing, and how to make a kiss the best it can be... *

So you cant REALLY practice kissing...nothing feels quite like it unless your locking lips with an ACTUAL person... but there are things to do to prepare.

1. try kissing your hand a bit, mostly just to get accustomed to moving your lips. Movement and rhythm is very important when kissing. trust me.

2. FRESH BREATH! that's self explanatory....for real though...get breath strips or something that you can nonchalantly pop in without him noticing

3. Look good! Feel Good, BE CONFIDENT. last thing you want to do is worry about him not liking your hair, or noticing a big pimple right on your forehead. LOOK GOOD, FEEL GOOD, BE CONFIDENT THAT YOU ARE DOING SO!

4. no tongue...if he tries to slip the tongue just think to yourself. *DONT stick yours all the way in his mouth merely touch his with your swirl around 2 times and close your mouth asap.* if you are confident in tongue kissing, then well, best of luck to you, but tongue kissing is a hard art to master... (correctly)

5. keep conversation going throughout the night ...dont make things awkward, and after SAY SOMETHING...say something like "wow your good at that" or giggle politely, say you have to find your friend, and kiss his cheek cutely. thats a good way to end a kissing session.


School Dance Dress Ideas

Alright Re- posting the question!

"sooo, school, and stuff started, and like, dances are coming up and I really dont know whats in style, because A. im not tht kinda gurl, and B. It's the beginning of the school year so i dont really have any examples to base my outfits/dresses from...so since ive never really written to you before, but i read your other out fit post, do you have any input and stuff? -Jenna-"

Okay, so basically

*what kind of dresses are in style
*what do i wear to dances that are more casual


   First dress is for the girly girl. its modest, not trashy, has a pretty style, and if you don't like pink, get it in a different color. i also think this dress would be pretty with a pair of simple black pumps, or strappy silver stilettos.
*ANOTHER benefit of a dress like this, is the pretty design eliminates the need for a necklace or belt. it is like a built in accessory :) cheaper, and less decisions :)

maybe this dress isnt for you, BUT a dress along these lines would be a good idea! not super tight fitted, elegant, and long story short---FREAKING CUTE!

Second one: This one is just cute...okay? its for the girly, adventurous, tomboy...like seriously, its for anyone who just wants a cute dress! you can find dresses like this with sleeves, longer, different colors, they're super Chic, in style, popular, and ADORABLE! I suggest wearing pumps with these type of dresses (no straps) as these dresses make your legs look AWESOME, and pumps do too...so its a win win if you wear pumps. I think its a good idea to wear a bright colored shoe if you wear white or black or grey dresses, and bright colored accessories. with a dress like this (Especially if you wear a necklace) I think side braid or hair up is best.
There are obviously a million different dresses to choose from, those two are just a couple in style, inexpensive, easy to find dresses. I personally suggest staying away from floor length unless its prom or senior ball (harder to dance in, and you might look a bit overdressed if your group doesnt all wear floor length)


As for casual dances, seriously, just wear a cute button up blouse with a high wasted skirt or something... or a casual lace dress or something along those lines. I know every girl has at least 2 really cute semi dressy outfits in their closet, so just whip it out, wear your hair in a braid or bun, and call it good! :)

Friday, April 19, 2013

Cute outfits for Casual Summer Dates!


Most of the items for the first set of outfits can be found at your local thrift store, or forever 21!
the second set is for a hot summer day, all of those outfits have personality, style, and spunk (not to mention they are sooo cute!)

The last set is your more generic casual daily school clothes, but if you are going out with a group of friends, THESE are great because they dont look like you tried to hard, but they also are comfortably cute!

Monday, April 15, 2013

How to stay natural over the summer

Hey everyone!

Summer is about a month away! <3 so excited, it feels like just yesterday the schoolyear started, right?
(Reposting the question here):

"Heyo! SO summer is coming so soon, and i just want to look naturally pretty, nt goup on makeup and i want pretty hair and wat not...soooo tips?
P.S.- i dont have a money tree..so cheep!"


*clear skin! - you will feel more confident when you are swimming without makeup, if you have fairly clear skin (which is something ive always struggled with) Try getting that acne medicen, make sure you are washing your face EVERY NIGHT AND MORNING, stay away from fast food, and DONT PICK AT YOUR SCABS (another issue i have!)

*HAIR- Do you hate your hair? I hate mine, its red, and EXTREMELY FRIZZY! :( I usually just toss it up in a pony tale over the summer, but not many girls are good with a messy pony tale.
Watch some hair tutorials on youtube, a cute messy bun is a great option, which doesnt require straightening, also a side braid (since braids are really in right now!)
COLOR OF HAIR- over the summer, alot of girls like to bleach there hair...I LOVE THE LOOK OF BLEACHED HAIR, NOT GOING TO LIE ITS GORGEOUS AND REALLY HIP!....but unfortunatly chemicals FRY your hair...i recently chemically straightened my hair (to no avail btw, its still frizzy) and it killed my hair, i had to cut my long gorgeous hair, to an awkward medium length, and now it is dry, and frizzy...and i HATE IT! :'( so be careful...seriously, you can OVER CHEMICAL your hair, really easy...i do NOT recomend perms!

*SMOOTH LEGS!- with all of that time in a swimsuit, you DONT WANT HAIRY LEGS! But shaving can be SUCH A PAIN! :O right? Well my suggestion, twice a week apply a thick layer of "nair" to your legs, let it sit for around 5 minutes, then instead of removing it with a towel and water as the directions say...take a new razor, and SHAVE the nair off....it creates a nonpatchy shave, alot of smoothness, and stays hairless longer! (Nair is really inexpensive btw)

*Scent!- Get a scent that isnt to expensive, and that really smells fresh, no fall scents ladies (its summer be fresh!!!)

*MAKEUP OPTIONS: No heavy eyeliner, no heavy foundation, its summer, be fresh, eyeshadow really isnt necisary over the summer, but if you LOVE makeup, wear light shades with a little sparkle! :)


Tuesday, March 12, 2013



Signs he likes me?

HEY GIRLS! and maybe some guys....awkward ;)

No though, seriously! hey everyone, got a few questions to answer since i havnt logged onto here in a while...

QUESTION: "So there's this guy at my youth group and I THINK he likes me, but honestly im just not sure. He kinda hangs around me alot, and he texts me at least 2 times a week. Like he is cool and stuff, and I kinda like him...so if he liked meh that would be REALLLLLLYYYY cool, you know? I dont know maybe you have an oppinion on this? Maybe this is just a dumb question, but guys can be really confusing and, he is just really cute and stuff...sooooo yep! THANK YA!"


I know what you are feeling sister. and at youth groups it can be really hard to tell since you are expected to be more reserved and conservative at youth groups.

Well signs that guys like you are

*he hangs around you alot!

*he texts you first and calls you sometimes

*he asks about your hobbies and remembers what you tell him

*he points his feet towards you in a group

*he finds excuses to talk to you, and touch you (joking nudge, hug goodbye, elbows you...etc)

*he compliments the stupid stuff...(nice hair, cool eyes, nice necklace, woah nice shoes...etc)

*he talks to you in front of his friends, or about you to his friends

Does this guy do any of these things continuously?


you also have to watch his behavior, does he do this with alot of girls? cause if so he's a natural flirt OR just reallly friendly. I would try flirting a little bit with him. compliment him, take interest in football if he plays football, text him first sometimes, laugh at his stupid joke, try to hangout. . . use that feminine charm the good lord gave you girl!

HOPE THIS HELPS! and goodluck :)

Group Date Preparation

So I got this question in my email from one of my viewers!

Reposting the question- "So i kinda like dis guy and, we are gonna hang out saterday, well not just me an him, but me an him, an a big group of frends. I wanted to know how i could look cute and kinda flirty, without like lookin like i tryed to look good for him, and without sticking out because i looked to fancy or wateva. So any ideas?
Like your blog it helps meh out and it's cool to hear your oppinons! tanks! muah!"

THANKS FOR THE KIND WORDS FIRST OF ALL! second of all...lets simplify this question! Im guessing your question is:

*you want to look pretty without making it obvious you are looking pretty for him.


Well first of all, group hangouts are the PERFECT place to start getting to know someone you like better, and to start making your impression. Before we talk about the outfit thing, here are a couple of things you want to avoid during a group hangout.

*crowding his space (hang with him, but hang with others to!)

*excessivly flirting (you both might end up getting hurassed or made fun of by the other friends in the group, and he might get upset, or emberissed)

*trying to hard to get his attention (it will appear really annoying and desperate-be yourself girly!)


alright, so since it is still a bit chilly but warm enough to not wear a huge winter coat ;) WE HAVE OPTIONS.

figure out your personality (or the personality you are portraying to him!)

easy options:

*tomboy (skinny jeans, sneakers, toms, baggy tshirts, ponytale! cute but tomboy!)

*comphy cutie/confidence: (sweaters, leggings, skinny jeans, toms*, boots (uggs*), scarf)

*girly/preppy (nice blouse with a pair of nice dark jeans, or a casual skirt. Flats or nice sandals for shoes)

*conservative: (nothing revealing, nice jeans, flats, maybe a nice tennisshoe, denim skirts, a tshirt or blouse that FITS YOU and covers you up!)

I personaly am comfy cutie ALL THE WAY! I am confident enough in myself to not have to rely on clothes. My typical outfit when hanging with friends or going on dates is skinny jeans or leggings, white toms* or uggs*, and a baggy sweater. I adore my look because it is SOOO comfy and comes off as cute to most crowds.

Where something that compliments you, and that you arnt going to be freezing or to hot in.

ANOTHER THING: dont wear somthing slutty-you want to get his attention, YES, but you dont want him to think you're easy! so please cover your boobs up and dont wear dem booty shorts. Some guys dont like this, and it will make the group seem uncomfortable.

GOODLUCK! and remember, be you, but be a stylish you! ;)