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Monday, October 7, 2013

Merideth's question. (when guys lead you on...)

Hey hey! So, i got a question in my email yesterday night. I'm just going to copy and paste like i usually do! :)

"So...basically this guy acted interested, even when to the extent of saying he wanted to kiss me...then he just stopped talking to me. Well now whenever i try to instagate conversation, he just kind of blows me off. We dont really hang out often, because hes really busy. but i dont understand why he acted interested and then literally 2 days later just sort of blew me off..."

IN OTHER WORDS: guy acted interested, now he's really hard to read.


Boys can suck sometimes...they are so egotistic at times, that they forget how easily a girl can get confused/hurt. One of the worst feelings is being led on then having your little dreams shattered.

As for this guy, he sounds like he thinks you're cute and fun to flirt with, but he's not  REALLY interested in a relationship with you...

think about it: when you like someone (boys or girls) you really want to talk to them and hang out. . . even a BOY will make an effort to talk and get to know you if he's HONESTLY interested. However, if he is just interested in flirting and boosting his ego (which sounds like the situation) he will only talk to you about what HE WANTS TO TALK ABOUT, when it seems convenient for him, OR when he has nothing else to do.

I hate this about guys...as a girl who has had this happen a couple times, id really just prefer a guy be straight up and say. "I think you're cute, but im not interested in that way." THAT RESPONSE WOULD SAVE ME HOURS OF CONFUSION...

Honey, I'd just say start giving him a taste of his own medicen...dont talk to him as often and give him something to want, rather than something he knows he can get.

This is a complicated/sucky situation, and i wish i had more advice, but there is really no way to MAKE a guy want to talk to you, and MAKE  a guy want a relationship...thats all his choice. just do you, and hopefully he will wake up and see that you're worth it..or another guy will come along :)

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